Plea by Walt Geldenhuys

Walt Geldenhuys | March 23rd, 2013 | poetry | No Comments

Poet Bio

You measure your heart
in drops of ocean

Ink stain the pages;
a wrinkled waste of words

But you try and write
a story to cover –
your sense

A post-persuasion,
of autumns, springs and summers –
that existed


as a stain,
in a vast, never-ending

Poet Bio

Walt Geldenhuys is 26 years old and has only recently started writing poetry. He works as a lecturer in Web, but his passion lies with food, wine, humour and sadness – and all the things that express them. Re-interpreting the world is a heavy weight to bare, therefore he has decided to only be a part-time poet.

published in print in Poetry Potion 2013.01 On Being Human

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