Poem of the Week: Flavours of the Season by Bakhulule Maluleka

Bakhulule Maluleka | August 24th, 2012 | featured poem, poetry | No Comments

Poet Bio

Walking the beaten dirt road of his memories,
He silently stumbles on the deserted concrete floor.
The crimson sun sinks ominously on the horizon
And – a sudden gasp – he clutches at his chest.
The bitter blood of the forgotten friendship
Churns thickly on his tongue,
Forming incomprehensible words
Coated in sorrow and betrayal.
The amber eyes – his old ally –
Regard him with a cold stare.
Laid bare, he reminisces on how they got there;
The stinging words and invisible shards of jealousy
Tearing at his throat:
His inexplicable success, the others’ envy,
The sudden call…
For this moment? A gesture of mercy?
The final piercing gunshot wound leaves a sour taste –
Disillusionment permeates through his mouth,
Like the apples of a cankered hate
And a weightless sigh escapes his lips.

Poet Bio

I’m currently a joint Honours student in English Literature and Philosophy at Rhodes university. I love words in all their forms and believe I wouldn’t be able to fully cognize my life without them. Poetry is just one of the many convenient ways I choose to express myself.

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