Poetry and Protest at Jozi Book Fair

Poetry Potion | October 25th, 2012 | inspiration, poetry seen | No Comments

I am so excited and I’m looking forward to Jozi Book Fair this weekend.  As you know, Black Letter Media publishes and sells books through Book Lover’s Market and Poetry Potion. We’re all about supporting the indie writer and the indie publisher and this is why being at Jozi Book Fair is special.

Firstly, this will be our first exhibition as Black Letter Media. Secondly, Jozi Book Fair was founded by Khanya College as an alternative literary space for those of us who operate outside of the commercial mainstream. It’s about promoting reading and writing in South AFrica, as well as promoting independent writers and independent publishers.

So it is with great pleasure that, we pack up our books and our computers and go down to Museum Africa to exhibit our wares. More than an exhibition, I look forward to meeting other independent publishers, self-publishing authors and all book lover’s… (read the rest of the article here)

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