Poetry Potion Print Quarterly 12 Cover reveal

Quaz | November 17th, 2017 | current issue | No Comments

Friends! Our next quarterly print edition Poetry Potion 12: The Others is about to hit the shelves. We are proud to reveal the cover art for this edition, designed by Johannesburg artist Matthews Tshuma. This Edition is themed ‘The Others’  and sees contributors shed light on who the others are to them, being the other to someone else and the act of othering.

Contributors include:

Matthews Tshuma  – Cover Illustration

Mutle Mothibe – 3/4 of an Ounce

Gene – #FreeTheNipple



Joe Albanese – The Intersection of Lost & Found

Sisonke Papu – 217 Windows of the Sky 18

Judy Croome – The Other Side of Love 19

Christine Coates –Two Poems

Celine Tshika – Boiling Water

Refiloe Khumalo – Two Poems

Akinyika Omoniyi – The Others

Jim Pascual Agustin – The Others

Rishan Signh – The Breeze

GENE  – All that is Human

Megan Furniss – Black Love is not White Hate

Olivia Pula – Divinity

Kylin Lotter – Sunlight Sunlight Sunlight

Terrence Valashiya – Freedom For Others

SleepyPanda – Two Poems

Xe M. Sanchez  – Agüeya l’espeyu / Look in The Mirror

Keitumetsi ‘Abi’ Tlhako – Two poems

NNCS – I am You

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