Protest? by Stephen Symons

Stephen Symons | November 11th, 2015 | a poem a day challenge, poetry | No Comments

Poet Bio

Open windows
breathe birdsong

the morning bulges
with sparked green light

then a flash of movement
in the foliage unsettles

the scent of spring
and the black smell of burning

catches in the throat
of a new season.

Poet Bio

Stephen Symons is a lecturer, graphic designer and poet. His poetry and writing has been published in journals, magazines and various anthologies. His unpublished collection, “Spioenkop” was listed as a semi-finalist for the Hudson Prize for Poetry (US). He holds masters in Creative Writing from the University of Cape Town and is currently working on a PhD in African Studies that focuses of the experiences of ex-South African Defence Force conscripts. He lives in Cape Town, South Africa with his wife and two children.

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