Up&Coming: Tshepang Oageng, poet

Nthabiseng Kgoronyane | August 3rd, 2012 | Q&A | No Comments

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Nthabiseng Kgoronyane* spoke to two young, up and coming poets from Kuruman about their writing and inspiration.

Poetry Potion: Tell us about yourself?
Tshepang Oageng: My name is Tshepang Clifford Oageng from a small town called Kuruman. Tshepang is a friendly and social individual. I am dedicated and hard working.

PP: What are you passionate about?
TO: I am passionate about poetry and performing arts. Becoming successful is what drives my passion. Someday I would like to be able to inspire others to do the same.

PP: When did you start writing poetry and why?
TO: I started writing in 2008. The power of words intrigued me, the need to create something out of imagination, emotions, everyday life is what made me start to write. I found healing and growth in writing poems.

PP: What are your poems about?
TO: Love and perception.

PP: What is your inspiration?
TO: Just like the great poet Richard Eric Johnson, I am inspired by anything that emotionally and intellectually attracts my five senses, other poets inspire me as well as events of everyday life.

PP: What is the hardest thing about being a poet?
TO: The challenge comes in finding the right words to fully convey my emotions. Being a poet in Kuruman, has its challenges as you do not get enough platforms to recite your poems to the crowd.

PP: Individual growth is important for everyone, what do you think is the crucial characteristic people should have in order to achieve growth and be successful?
TO: Perseverance is very crucial as nothing comes easy in life. Keeping positive at all times really does give one the strength to grow and learn from lessons that this journey to success teaches.

PP: Do you read novels, if yes which one are you reading at the moment?
TO: Yes, I do, I am currently reading Slave: My True Story by Damien Lewis and Mende Nazer.

PP: Who is your role model?
TO: My father

PP: What are you currently busy with?
TO: I am studying Humanities at Wits University.

Poet Bio

In dark they fall

In dark they fall, create a river,
Drown victims of heartaches,
Help is out of sight,
Fear of the unknown beast rules.
Our siblings hanged behind closed doors,
Afraid to tell tail of this melody of teardrops.

Overwhelmed by pain,
Suffocated by poverty.
I want to visit this place of darkness,
Discover tears of hunger creating a river
And lay a helping hand.
*Nthabiseng Kgoronyane is a Journalism graduate to be. She grew up from a town called Kuruman in Northern cape. Known as Miss butterfly, her favourite colour is blue. She is known as one of the best debate candidates from her high school years. She is a poet, stage actor, model and dancing is one of her greatest passions. She is adventure driven and dedicated to being an inspiration and motivation to others. Twitter: @utterflynaz & Facebook: Nthabiseng Kgoronyane

poetrypotion.2012.04Available ini print from Book Lover’s Market, The Book Lounge (Cape Town), Adams (Durban) and our sales man in Durban Menzi Maseko

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