Shadows by Phumla Khanyile

Poetry Potion | August 5th, 2014 | a poem a day challenge, poetry | No Comments

Poet Bio

Shadows, all shapes and forms
Filed in line, big and small
Blue, yellow, green, mostly black
Shadows descends here and there

Tagging behind heels and tails
Secretly concealed in dark corner
Like a secret society of surveilers
Shadows appear, follow and go

A shadow is but a shade
A shadow is but a cloud
A shadow is a reflection
A shadow is ‘what is not’ of ‘what is’
A shadow is just a shadow

Poet Bio

Phumla is an Expressionist. Am passionate about writing, especially poetry. I dream of writing books in the near future and leave a legacy of words that will continue to talk on my behalf for centuries to come.


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