Silly of Me by Bhekumuzi

Bhekumuzi | February 1st, 2016 | a poem a day challenge, poetry | No Comments

Poet Bio

i thought i would move heaven and earth for you
i thought i would always make you happy.
protect you.
silly of me to make such promices.

i promised a wonder land.
To fulfil your wildest dreams.
Your desires.
not knowing i was playing cards with the devil
not knowing i was dealt with a bad hand.

Silly of my young heart to desire so much
that the body not capable
please forgive this silly old body of mine

for forgetting to bring you flowers
for forgetting to tell you how beautyful you are
how much i love you and how hard i am still trying to move heaven and earth for you

Poet Bio

Bhekumuzi Kubheka is a writer and a poet from durban kwazulu natal. This young Author has published a book called poetry movement and a novel called i am not my brother’s keeper

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