Speaking to Deaf Ears by Nqaba Dano

Nqaba Dano | May 3rd, 2016 | a poem a day challenge, poetry | 1 Comment

Poet Bio

I speak to deaf ears
Closed hearts
That refuse to listen
In their pursuit
To justify that
They should heard
But they refuse to listen
They speak in loud tones
Drowning out
My subtle whispers
Even though I am
Screaming to be heard
It forever seems
Like I speak in harsh tones
That get lost in translation
I speak to deaf ears
Even though I show signs
They cannot comprehend
These gestures
It seems my mouth speaks
But their eyes and minds
Cannot understand
Or maybe it is not
Their failure to understand
But their lack of compassion
And their need to be heard
That drowns my words
Leaving me saying
I speak to deaf ears

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