Steps by Stephen Kingsnorth

Stephen Kingsnorth | July 29th, 2020 | poetry | No Comments

Poet Bio

To dance freely is to clone pulse,
spew rhythmic pump, flow blood throes,
beat, impulse throb, swing limb convulse,
iambic breathing, whorls to toes.

To dance freely is told pleat flounce,
the trounce of tarantella sneer,
the dare to care if either pounce,
flash flutter fan, lash black-eyed leer.

To dance freely is today’s chance
to waltz intended harmony,
and end that first position stance,
earth’s poorest plea, to hear cry, key.

To dance freely is total hold
that movement’s grace is double edged,
temper own gold by others’ mould,
wings spirit-fledged, as rainbow pledged.

To dance freely is tool of trade
for those, frayed, hope to reconcile,
where victims sway with those who preyed,
old wisdom’s smile, meld serpent’s guile.

Poet Bio

Stephen Kingsnorth (Cambridge M.A., English & Religious Studies), retired to Wales from ministry in the Methodist Church, has had over 150 pieces published by on-line poetry sites, including Poetry Potion, printed journals and anthologies.

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