You are Continental by Nkateko Masinga

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] How can I hate you when you carry the continent on your face? Your smile is post-colonial Africa. Your tongue splits into five, spits out any language demanded by circumstance. You are multilingual, literally a literary vending...

A Poem A Day writing prompt 4 May 2015

May is #AfrikaMonth - all our prompts this month will be Africa-themed. this week's writing prompt: more than a number inspired by #147NotJustANumber. After the senseless attack on students and educators at Garissa University in Kenya (2 April 2015), twitter...

A Painful Truth by Nqaba Dano

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] I have witnessed them speak, Their voices echoing in the stillness of silence, I’ve seen their words painted on screens And papers no one shall truly read, They speak with vigor and passion Which transcend from their...

Changes of Time by Sibongiseni Mdletshe

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] What was happiness has become sadness What was the beginning has become an end From the heart eyes that fell tears of joy Now drip tears of pain From the heart that love To the heart that...

Old Blue by Charl Landsberg

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] I miss you, you fool you ridiculous tool Old Blue with my heart in your chest no prize to be lost my old love, such a cost I can only wish you the best and more than...