[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Africa, my home My pride My kingdom Land of my roots Place of heart My home where i feel save Where my life started In the crip Till i close my eyes And went to my grave...
May is #AfrikaMonth - all our prompts this month will be Africa-themed. this week's writing prompt: We are Africas 1 rule: SUBMIT YOUR BEST WORK use the form below to submit or click here For more info about A Poem...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] We rise like the sun each day to the pleasure of life dismay We rise each day to keep the tears away We shy away from the emotions that continually play They dance they sing proclaiming life...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Broken bones, broken ties! Scattered bones, scattered lives! Once in the chains of apartheid that enveloped the land. Dry, desolate and deserted! Unidentified bodies lay across the valley. Once an army, now a massacre. The haunting and...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] These men Are our brothers and fellow companions These men Were endorse in our heart, we trust them These men Fight for liberty in politics These men Are considered leaders to the universe These men Are beefed...