Oran Juice by Phillippayaa de Villiers

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] squeezed on the taxi we leak on to the street and run down the byways sweet packed with vitamin c no glass required we're free of that transparent oppression still stuck in this itchy, sticky city [tabby...

Aftermath of Mistakes by Paulina Mothapo

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] They tore you from my body Black, blue and bloody They, dressed in white, A common procedure. I'll never know if it was the bright lights or tears that blurred my vision. Blood stained lips, holding back...

Nature by Thabile Ketye

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] The beautiful mountains Of the Cape Are so captivatingly exquisite Draped With refreshing breeze. Like grey and white crusts Flaking away Like a teardrop Can truly be singled out. With true appreciation They envelop breathtaking Escapism. Oh,...

A Poem A Day writing prompt 20 July 2015

this week's writing prompt: My City 1 rule: SUBMIT YOUR BEST WORK use the form below to submit or click here For more info about A Poem A Day, click here.

Broken Stencils by Kela Griot

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Broken stencils stand Where broken pencils fell Words began to slip into hell This is when the swill in our minds began to swell Who could have foretold that grey matter would grow old and impotent in...