[tabby title="Poet Bio"] The quest to our humanity Is an open book test we’ve often failed A multiple choice test with all the answers known to us, But we still fail Yes, we’ve climbed down from the trees Only to...
this week's writing prompt: the rights of wrong 1 rule: SUBMIT YOUR BEST WORK use the form below to submit or click here For more info about A Poem A Day, click here.
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] I could hear the cheers from afar The sound echoed like the wind I knew I had to raise the bar My body ached The state of my mind changed I pushed myself, I kept going As...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] He carries his briefcase He is going to work He’ll come back Back from digging gold Even out in the cold He works non-stop throughout the day Without a break He works late He doesn't have a...
35, and on a train two bags beside him, all his belongs; his life stuffed into it Seated - paralleled from me 35 and he's lost a lingering spirit tells surrounding and un-expunged He holds his face away; no grace...