Ants in a Death Spiral by Aaishah Mayet

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] We are antsIn the ways we build and farmMany legs raising societies on the nectar of mealy bugs We are antsAs we split into colourised warring factions:"Reconcile or What?""Forgiveness is tiring" We are antsAnd the flood of...

Blotches and Stains by Aaishah Mayet

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Days march as a tattooTo the trombone; To the drumsOf their drama, dazzle and defeatAnd I wonder at the weight ofMy Book of SinsI am only but a pair of feet Acts of commission; acts of omissionOf...

Lioness by Aaishah Mayet

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] The August starsAre glorious globesAdornments of darknessIn glimmering robes Alongside eleven famed chaptersOdes in successionTo the passing of timeConstellation reading of vivid imagination You do not scare mePretty bright thingsMapping the heavensIn the same galactic glory that...

The Midas Touch by Aaishah Mayet

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] What is the price please, sir?Of glitterOf goldOf the dollars and the rublesThat tag the bowels of the earth What do search for, sir?When you mineWhen you maimeWhen you spitWhen you punch Will you find it, sir?Deep...

Sunflowers by Aaishah Mayet

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] BleedThe people we becomeSlashed by our burdensDashed by our missionsEmbittered in the toil RiseThe soul of the soilBeats in resilienceEarth-scented richnessAmber-huedGlints of gold dust HarvestAs seeds splitAnd cheerful petals turn full facedReceiving the sunFrom East to WestFacing...