Poet Muse: Don Mattera (1935 -2022)

(poet, journalist, activist) Remember to call at my graveWhen freedom finallyWalks the landSo that I may riseTo tread familiar pathsTo see broken chainsFallen prejudiceForgotten injuryPardoned pains. And when my eyes have filled their sightDo not run away for frightIf I...

Poetry as Praxis in a Hurting World by Charl Landsberg

Okay, first off we should get the horrible words out of the way. As with prose, so too with poetry, verbosity tends to weigh down language, and often not to anyone’s credit. So what do I mean by praxis? Praxis...

Q&A: The Book Club Society

The Book Club Society is doing serious literary activism and groundwork to develop a reading culture around the country. BCS runs numerous literacy based projects for children , prisoners and schools , using books as a point of departure and...