Creating With You – how the Babishai Niwe Poetry Award nurtures African poets

Babishai Niwe Poetry Award was founded by Beverley Nambozo Nsengiyunva, in 2008 as a prize for Ugandan women poets. It started out as a prize for the Ugandan women poets but this year, submissions where open to the entire continent. Shortlisted...

A Prayer of Solitude by Thabang Ngoma

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Allow me honest introspection in spite of my pretentious attitude Offer me solace and insight in return I will offer my eternal gratitude Elevate me above life’s stratosphere to a no turbulence altitude And afford me the...

My Heart Beat by Mapitsane Maila

[tabby title="Poem"] Hold on, my heart beat Beat for abandoned children of Africa Genocide seems to be reality to them Defenseless and powerless Raped and tortured Hatred and fatherless among them Running for better life Power replicates struggle Struggle among...

Life by Motena Tintswalo Cathrine Mathe

[tabby title="Poem"] I guess what we have is a love-hate relationship Sometimes I wish I could close my eyes and never see you again [restrict]Sometimes I wish I had never met you and Sometimes I just wish that I could...

Love by Mapitsane

[tabby title="Poem"] Feeling of joy and happiness Tender moments of openness Courageous weapon of new life Spiritual healing of thoughts Perpetual feelings of endurance Adorable moments of life Remarkable reminiscences in a lifetime [restrict]The spiritual concord of heart The signatures...