This wretch and I by Allyson Bantom

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] inky tearsI dip my pen tothis inner tongueunrelenting and undignified in its silent protest only the salty wetsnotty, sharp desperate breaths testifyof the storm of words tumbling over jagged edgesto mourna dream uttered before its timebut not...

So What by Allyson Bantom

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] It has to feed youopen the jaws of your righteous indignationand consume it he called me a "h....t"knowing that he would be exempted from consequences she would be his alibi"no - it's your opinion, you probably imagined...

Derma by Allyson Bantom

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] we are more than the sum of our hides stretched over strained frames masking eligibility our souls howl when skin becomes an obstacle to equality we explore the unchartered reserves of our righteous indignation warming our hands...

The lamb’s complaint by Allyson Bantom

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] arise at the foot of the tower call out to Justice tell her to let down her hair The wolf is on the prowl again waiting in the darkness for fresh violence, crisp mutilation bleat at the...

After by Allyson Bantom

after the watchful monsters are sated with the watery sludge of my butchered name and the acrid aftertaste of their contempt is replaced by the mundane after the last bile has issued forth from their murderous mouths and they have...