Bow To Your Phone by Celia Turner

[tabby title="Poem"] Handheld super dupercomputer, time-suckof attention, attenuatingour pistoning thumbs,pain radiating up toelbow, still can’t stop,Perpetually available,sawed-off shot gunblasted attentionspans spin outof control, toomuch know. [tabby title="Poet Bio"] Celia Turner is a Loveland published poet in Northern Colorado Writers and...

Adieu by Celia Turner

[tabby title="Poem"] Seven months gone is the sister,rescued from decline in Arizona,Gone is Jane’s hospital bedshe used less than two weeks. Taken away the pills that becalmedher tempestuous tortureswhen unable to breath. Two days in hospice beforeher soul soared wheresouls...

Watery-eyed in the Sea of Human Nature by Jake Sheff

[tabby title="Poem"] Life is sinking into my forehead. Memory’smercy swims behind me. To smell the numbers,Megan makes me breakfast. My stupid heart wantscurrents less stressful. “You possess a talented face and gesture,”Megan tells me. Fearfully arbitrary,spelling a democracy’s body, feralphonemes...

The New Vantage by Francis Conlon

[tabby title="Poem"] Look! Here’s an astonishing view,From a promontory’s elevation,Something for a soul to review,And, listen to the revelation. Shore tides below, green and blue,Scrubbing silver sands and shells,Leaving footprints to pursue.Another being, a human, and their spell? My soul's...

Chicken Scratch by Lee Evans

[tabby title="Poem"] I've been counting the days,like a prisoner in a cellscratching hash marks on the wall. I've been wondering what's out there,imagining all sorts of things,and my mind has run away. My mind left mebefore I even had a...