Ode to Senor Silver Paper by Atang-Sekou

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] The governor’s hands are greasy though he just tookA shower and it has digital control buttons. It won’t cleanse his name froma paper trail linked to misappropriated taxpayer moneyLittle Mister Silver do you know anything about this?...

A poem for my cousins by Atang-Sekou

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] I love you to deathFrom I’m mad as hell at you to you will never see my wrath Straight from the heart, we grew apart with the tideOf family strives though we sore we’d never fight and...

The many things that went wrong by Atang-Sekou

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] English (part one) I said to my high school crush, 'spare me the details'But what I really meant was: 'tell me more'She was a damsel in distress and I was a 13-year-old Dr. PhilTold it all to...

Letter to Peace ( I will…) by Atang-Sekou

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Letter to Peace (I will…) I will wipe the dust off the bulb of the moonSo that it's light illuminates your night paths,On your way home soon.I will summon the galactic winds to twirl earth into shorter...