Mary’s Secret by Jack Tao

[tabby title="Poem"] Roasted Bread? Sparkling Water?Which feeds her life more?A hardened body; orA soul like shining water.In the late May’s party, where everyone has fun,She, alone, whispered fragments of memory,Mixing forgetfulness with desire,Stirring the dreary night.What toy hold her through...

Flowers for the dead by Emma Chang

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Pretty Purple flowers bloom,As soon as they bloom they are led,To their doom, Walking past a graveyard looking over,Watching birds in the yard,Pretty purple flowers,Sit and are forgotten. Flowers for the dead,Leave them there to be wed,These...

Bruno by LifeInColor

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] David is the worst word in the world.It means liar, cheater, deceiver.It means broken trust, broken promises, broken heart. David is the worst word in the world.It means dreams crushed, hopes dashed, love gone.It means bad dreams,...