#ProtestMustHeal by Dice

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Tyre fire devouring the tar road Delivering the message in mist Sense cramped in a clinched fist Effect of the sold land tale untold Our freedom used this route We dance violently then vote [tabby title="Poet Bio"]Tshiamo...

My Sweethazard by Dice

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Outside your heart Homeless Paging through bins For the leftovers of love Outside your hut Hopeless Paging through sins Lust-overs to forget love I'm a walking taboo A living bag of bad deeds I'm a desert plateau...

Long Distance by Dice

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Poems making reference to, or written about the stars nearly exceed the number of stars.. . countless. I remember the night that you first shined. That was the best day of my life. I stopped looking up...

My Crush by Dice

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] She sings hurricane lullabies with a tsunami tune to calm and put to sleep volcanoes. I'm just a gentle breeze... [tabby title="Poet Bio"]Tshiamo Dice Modise is a being that practices the art of dissolving problems in ink...

Bus Stop by Dice

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Breath o' air full o' blown kisses, lingering thoughts.. Irregular flow o' time result o' off beat heartbeats.. Peace in exhaust smoke and soot Unease in away shift and last hoot [tabby title="Poet Bio"]Tshiamo Dice Modise is...