[tabby title="Poet Bio"] A Poem A Day writing prompt: The beauty of things My sweet, juicy, tasty treat An image of you warms my body The taste of you dances on my palette Vivid colors fill my horizon with your presence...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] A Poem A Day writing prompt - Just before Friday Of the hair Untied Loosened ties On necks Left there Dry throats What a weak It's thirstday Before the lie runs down Make-up still intact Looking unbelievable...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] On the longest road the old Nissan ducked into a pot hole, suspension jarred and rattled, dust smeared windshield, engine stalled, he needed a drink a strong one, waking alone why had she gone, turning key, falseness...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Walking by nightlight, traipsing through cold air, the welcomed numb. Cape, she is bitter tonight, he thinks as he smiles. It extends, then it stops, almost at the point of disingenuous. He is almost there. Crumbling tar...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] I hear soothing whispers of calmness Gently entering into my ears And serenades my head The achievement of an aim I see a lively and elegant statue Priding her head above others She stands in starry brilliance...