[tabby title="Poet Bio"] BeerThe smell of candle(red fruits)Her, kissing the sheetsWith wet pink lips touchingAgainst the white linenNaked Outside, rainMud and wet soilDirty soles stampingOn the ground Peach blossom white bosomPeaking from under the sheet HerIn her red-coated glassesPerfumed in...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] I..Pearls..hanging..white..&..low..an..unknown..laughing..neck. II.pe ar lsscat te re don the heart(h)rug on the heart(h)rug on the heart(h)rug on the heart(h)rug III.Eyes & headsfallingso closeto the lostiridescent drops of blank. [tabby title="Poet Bio"] Alexandre Ferrere is 28 and lives in...