Missing the Moment Villanelle by Francis Conlon

[tabby title="Poem"] Am I unsure, missing this time?Something vital might come my way.Is this experience called sublime? A journey, life’s river, a nature divine?Shadowy thoughts are kept at bay.Am I unsure, missing this time? The clock tells with a predawn...

Ways to Draw a Fish by Francis Conlon

[tabby title="Poem"] Many drawings have a catch,The scales and eyes show a fish,No doubt it is but a rough match,Yet, it fulfils a child’s wish. The tool is a rough lead pencil,For the image to prevail,Freely drawn without a stencil,A...

The Best Foundation by Francis Conlon

[tabby title="Poem"] I’m looking for the best face foundation,A view of faces with some glamour,It gets attention, but not fixation. Beauty is natural, not a mutation,A charming smile can enamor,I’m looking for the best face foundation. Old styles pass by...

Mind The Eruption Villanelle by Francis Conlon

[tabby title="Poem"] Don’t mind the rumble in the ground,Coming from the old cauldron,‘Mid heat and sparks all around. Cautious feelings rise at the sound,Wondering ‘bout what should be done.Don’t mind the rumble in the ground. A science answer is not...

Putting the Fear in Fun by Francis Conlon

[tabby title="Poem"] The amusement park has joyful fear,Amid the rides up and down,A trip to bring danger near,As the coaster does twist around. And, the air is filled with screams.Is this really all the fun?The danger is not what it...