Youth by Alev

[tabby title="Poem"] Once I knew about love when I was youngAbout passions unleashed, of dreams with regrets noneOf roses with myriad thorns, and drops of blood, a jar to fillAnd a nauseating chant from the entrails, sticky and syrupy, one...

Loveless by Alev Inan

[tabby title="Poem"] Somebody once told me I was lovelessWas I twelve? perhaps thirteenI remember feeling nothing  when I was told I was lovelessI do remember, though, the doubt in my mother's faceFor she overheard it, just at the entrance of...


[tabby title="Poem"] I cut my finger yesterday, Deep. I was stupefied for having been overcome by what I presume was a butter knife,  even worse a dessert. I've never been able to distinguish one from the other for both indulge...