[tabby title=Poem] I shall not look for you hereThis decrepit shellThat draws foetally inwardsCannot containAll that is you Dulled blue irisesAre not your once-vibrant violetAtrophied limbsNot the arms that lifted meOnto your shoulders Stunted coughsAnd feebled hiccupsAre notThe off-key sopranoOf...
[tabby title="Poem"] There’s a new cat at the shelterwith thin and greasy ginger furand a broken tail.He is all bone –Borris, they’ve named him –and is blind in one eye,which is glassed over.He has a mouth full of stainedand mostly...
[tabby title="Poem"] The Children of Gaza are heroes in front of the world,Helpless and ignored, starved to death but hopeful. Enveloped in mass brutality and unbridled cruelty. Their *grandparents*, mothers and fathers have been killed. The Children of Gaza, so...
[tabby title="Poem"] Each time we go to bed,a part of us doesn’t wake up,and one day the rest of us will not.We will close our eyes,never to open them again. As one after another,days leave our bodies,like smoke from an...
[tabby title="Poem"] A lonely roseneed not standand pose,for it knows its worth! Through withering stormsthe rose endured,its outer layersthickened and secured. It shall stand in beauty,and any hand that comesto destroy will knowit is not just a toy. [tabby title="Poet...