[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Compare myself to you with this adorable metaphor A wrecked spirit from a romantic brawl Now you see me as you were supposed to Never weary of loving you Far from growing sick and sour Love me,...
Some nights are warm, some nights are cold Some nights are young, some nights are old Some nights are short, but I like them long Some nights I’m right, but most nights I’m wrong Some nights I merely wish to...
How dare I not love the beauty of your charm? Not when my tears have shrunken and my qualms are longsome Now that my sorrows have endured the storm, I rest my pangs within the realms of your heart, where...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Oppression, poverty and struggle, Modern-day cutting-edge flourishes to the rubble. Often at day break lost in the jumble, And when the moon sets my idioms begin to mumble. Born from blunder, not once been cuddled. Shreds conceal...