[tabby title="Poem"] It's through mercyand forgivenessthat we survivedespite the vagrant evilwafting through the airas the sands of timecontinue to flowthrough God's hourglassas a constant reminderthat prayers ofsincere contritioncan over turn the darknessas those final grains of sandfilter through the narrow...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Without warningThe Hippocratic Oathtransformed intoThe oath of the hypocritesPerpetuating the myth of a better living through psychotropics UnannouncedCharlatansInvaded our shoresWith drone strikes of misinformationMagic curespharmaceutical fairy tales Without warningStorm clouds rained the virusof depressionDespair spreads with every...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Buried deep in the Biblea Psalm for thetwisted and gnarleda Psalmfor those looked uponfearfullywith persecuting glanceswonderfully made thetwisted and gnarledsmile rebelliouslyin the face of strong limbedpretty privilegefearlessly believinga Psalmfor those seeking the equitystruggling with acceptancea chance to...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Solitudeshares a secret longinglonely seconds tick withferocious volumeon sleepless nightsas low light strugglesto invade the slightestcrack in the window and memoriesof the forgotten and forlorn Solitudeshares a secret longinga shadow extends its hada subtle invitationto embrace the...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Deep in our heartswe all want the same thingsdespite political chasmsunited or dividedby Faitheither in the divineor in ourselveswe yearn to trustwe pray for peace Deep in our heartswe all worry about the same thingskeeping children safefrom...