I saw flesh and emotion unite I felt them breathe in a synchronised fashion They became one and in this divine being Emerged self acceptance. As the picture became clearer.. The smoke screen faded and I saw her... Her that...
I asked to see Mommy corporeal please, bring her back to this dimension it has been seven years to many for my tears I do not want to see her in a dream or imagine her I don’t want her...
Were it mine to count your days Preset all the ways Your life could twist and turn This event, I would delete or burn As your breathing slowly dies down The scavenger crowd lingers on, curiously Grotesquely, your life ceases...
The living dead they walk among us wake up take a breath, go to work go on tea go on lunch, go home go to hell, then back again, every single day. They are the invisible ones we pass on...
Like all of us Through birth to death They came, wrote and left Through deed, text, voice, choice But time Being the traveler that it is Might, just might Erase the letters scribbled Distort the meaning Canonise the authors Or...