[tabby title="Poet Bio"] It can take approximately 10 litres to drown an adult humanThis is interesting information, for someone who spends most of their days soaking their insidesI have become a boat sailing between kitchen sink and toiletYou think I...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] It is so cold here.Sometimes in the night,I curl up and say your name for comfort and warmthwonder; why you take me for a grapefruitonly want me for my insidesand do away with all else. I love...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Soaked in social anxiety at 6 years oldThe third table from the door; there you wereWith hair wrapped as buns bigger than both our fists and a smile with the genes of a sunflower I have tossed...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] I do not know how to tongue kissIt reminds me of agricultural science; learning about cows' digestive systems and rumination,the process of tongues stuffed against one anothermouth full, and saliva- everywhere.Where do you want my tongue to...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Here be,all the places in myself i keep hiddenthe 4 am tears and doodlesof my lover's hands, holding me. To wake up, to a six-word poem of : I Want To Die With You.And a sky pregnant...