“I closed your eyes, you opened mine” by Makhanda Senzangakhona

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Thy Will Be Done: "I closed your eyes, you opened mine". Cruel I called itIn my eyes andHuman mind.Today, at tenMatswale,We interred your remains,At sun-set, same dayYou hailed him,He, whom you termed 'better half',by the grave beside...

There Shall Be a Move! by Makhanda Senzangakhona

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] There Shall Be a Move! I thought I knewUntil I was asked:What is rhythm?It is that thingI said, that rings-throbs and beatsIn one's head and heart-After the song 's endedSeemingly,that wasn't enough an explanationlet alone meaningDare i...

Blaspheming Trees by Makhanda Senzangakhona

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Blaspheming Trees Skulking spiritsSulking geniesMarauding ghostsAnd ghouls too-Of Lynched bodiesSwaying in the windBooty for "headhunters"maiming, milking and bleedingWhen atrocity was hobbySeeding strange fruitsa 'la Christmas treesOf vampire appetitesA tacit treatFor human flesh :"This is my body..."A sacramentWashed...

Dumiso: A Deferred Re-union by Makhanda Senzangakhona

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Commandier,I missed youIn Rivonia.Without summonI meant to appearbefore the elders' counselbearing homage to the sage of Chikurubithe bridge between age and regimentsI dared intrude on elders ' space, incense and saluteOf the spirits of Zambezi, Wankie, Sipolilo,...

Xenophobia or Not: Africans Denied Home in Afrika by Makhanda Senzangakhona

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] A tear dropped today.Somewhere. Inside. In the past.Rippling effect, where we met.When hyenas were not friends,Yet baying at friend and foe alike. Your lips, still on mine-Proxy of the loss- between us,When we...shared dreams, hopesand cerebral malariaMindful-were...