Twelve + One

Title: Twelve + One. Some Jo’burg poets: their artistic lives and poetry Edited by: Mike Alfred Publisher: Botsotso Publishing Year: 2014 Botsotso Publishing is best known for its literary journal, Botsotso as well as numerous poetry titles and the performances...

Live Poetry Weekend Starts Tonight!

If you love and enjoy live poetry, then you are in for a treat. Remember we told you about Word N Sound announcing the Spoken Freedom Festival? Yes! Well it's here, it's on and the line up is on fire....

3rd Annual Word N Sound Festival

Word N Sound has single-handedly brought back some energy and cool factor to the young poetry seen of Johannesburg. And what's awesome is that they don't just have regional ambitions. After breaking out in Cape Town on Tuesday and running...

poetry seen: events (updated)

Friday | 29 November Aptly named “Poetry Is” the evening show will feature the talents of Natalia Molebatsi, Mutle Mothibe, Nova Masango amongst others with a musical showcase by Bongeziwe Mabandla. Doors open at 18:30. Admission is R100. Saturday |...

Poetry Is Not a Luxury: Launching at Poetry Africa

2013 has been an exciting year for Poetry Potion. We set out to publish quarterly journals with themes that writers must pick apart, interpret and produce something amazing thereafter. The first print quarterly, themed On Being Human, was launched at...