We’re Ready by Mitja Lovše

[tabby title="Poem"] They have been toldtheir country need themto be the protectors againstthese people that despise them. The latter were never defined,the list kept becoming bigger asthey nodded along without a care,they forget they have a future later. The future...

Repeal by Mitja Lovše

[tabby title="Poem"] Not much has been offeredas a consolation for your death,you knew the latter shall come asyou checked the test results yet again. The word sorry doesn't workin the case of professionalism,the doctor in front of you is used...

Late, Mr. Said, Late by Mitja Lovše

[tabby title="Poem"] You are a stone now,your life reduced to a placepeople visit toremember how you were like,before you got holed up here. [tabby title="Poet Bio"] Mitja Lovše is a writer, a performer and a director from Slovenia. He works...

Prometheus Laughs by Mitja Lovše

[tabby title="Poem"] Our reality?Shut beyond recognition.We built another,where we can be anything.Prepare the replacement, please? [tabby title="Poet Bio"] Mitja Lovše is a writer, a performer and a director from Slovenia. He works within the fields of theatre, film, television and...

Let This Come Down by Mitja Lovše

[tabby title="Poem"] A hippie with glassessurvived the 80'sas a casualty of cocaineand bad haircuts. He re-ups his beliefin the goodnesswith many doobiesand no Scooby. When he picks his flute,he notices a problem –there is no one aroundto pay attention to....