[tabby title="Poet Bio"] memory is the smell of lavender potpourri on shiny wooden floors,remember the notes on all our doors,and the wilting nostalgia of my mother's smile,I remember all the things we haven't said in a while,and how our silence...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] The gossipers and the criminals,The misogynists and the rapists,The abusers and the narcissists,the terrible ones,do nothing,but take!the poisonous ones,whose venom slithers down your bones until they decay,they wound and gyrate your insides into bountiful toxicity,Selfish people suck...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] How beautiful are spirits which whisper stories of ancient origins?When circles of fire hosted our brown and wise bodies as we sat with the silence beneath,We fell from other dimensions and built the pyramids,We swam in the...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] It's scorching as I dance isipantsula next to these robots,I have no water but as you drive by, give me two rand my brother,Look how good I dance my sister,don't shut your car windows on me white...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] There are places we can't imagine on the edge of the Sahara Desert lays the sacred Timbuktu/a place we imagine but can't remember/That's the thing about Mali, it's eternal and omnipresent/The land of God herself/There are places...