Agnosthesia by Mitja Lovše

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] The shade of the leaves on the roadsthat lead to a way out of hereend up on her as she stays on the swing. She still has a wreath in her hand,her peers know well who this...

A Flight Of Fancy by Mitja Lovše

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] The loneliness of flight gets you,when you look outside the planeyou booked to go to the placesand when you check the clouds. You pretend you are among them,you are the person everyone knows –the Icarus with the...

Disassociation (A Humble Homage To Tomaž Šalamun) by Mitja Lovše

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] I followed my shadow into the police,where they asked me to think of the thingsone can find within the guilt trips. Sadly, I provided them with no recourse,so they checked for the stop they all wait for...

A Meeting by Mitja Lovše

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] This skull I found on my walk to the parkused to be someone's dog.I picked that up to ask myself –did anybody miss this houndor did he live with no one?Was he a bulldog or a shih...