[tabby title="Poem"] Time stands still,A door opens,And I step through into a different place,A place in the wee hours of the day. Time stands still,And I’m ushered into a space just about to embrace the morning light,There’s something strange about...
[tabby title="Poem"] Gone to the flames is my love for her,What’s left are only charred remains,Gone to the flames are the flowers blooming in my meadow,What’s left is the strewn ashes in my chamber. I poured my love into a...
[tabby title="Poem"] They kept a record of time,They were history’s shelves,They were memory pages,An honour that ran through the family. They sang songs of the land,To them, the sand was more than the traveller’s pathway,It spoke volumes of the human’s...
[tabby title="Poem"] The old sunlight left men in awe and wonder,It kept at bay the spirits that troubled during the day,Those who played with minds and disrupted its tranquil flow,Those that cocooned the soul’s glow. I was told a tale...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Here you are again,As I walk through your days,How can I summon your bountiful rays?How can I walk in your lavish rain? You bring an end to the twelfth chapter;The lines are filled with days and nights...