Soul Whispers by Taj

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] The anguish of my soul The consequences of my actions There's no reprieve in sight Neither is there light at the end of the tunnel I claim to see hope, but does hope see me I long...

Don’t by Tonye Willie-Pepple

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Don't hold me back Don't beg me "Stop" For these our eyes cannot annex the great river They've relished so well, the tasty soup, cooked with our tears Now I must leave to take from them the...

Mercy Alone by Victor Akarachi Nwogu

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] I cannot see you But I feel you In my undefiled spirit The preponderance of your grace so heavy The essence of your being in private Left with no choices in the middle of opinions To believe...

The charmer by Ekerete Umoetok

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] He is known for his immaculate charm, The beautiful ladies on his arm And his multi-textured game That caused his lascivious fame [restrict]He is always your man Even if he is not your man He is always...

Passersby by Tonye Willie-Pepple

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] They flow with passions Rivers of life They meet in Conclaves Confluence of souls Packed in black and white They arrive many shores Their goals the same To paint pieces of love Some paint and mold Their...