Poet Profile: Siphokazi Jonas

Siphokazi Jonas holds a Masters degree in English Literature as well as an undergraduate degree in Drama and English. As a writer, performer, and poet, she has written, produced, and performed in three one-woman poetry shows: “Poetry Under the Stars,”...

Poet Profile: Katleho Kano Shoro

Katleho Kano Shoro is the author of Serurubele – her debut collection of poetry published by Modjaji Books (August 2017). She is a performance poet and African scholar who holds a Masters’ degree in Social Anthropology. She has performed in...

Slam with Your Mother Tongue at Open Book Poetica

After stelar ticket sales in 2013, the Open Book Poetry Slam returns for the second time. It is part of the Poetica programme at Open Book Festival this September. Open Book Poetry Slam showcases poetry in performance and this year, the focus...