Hand-fasting the Woodland by Patricia Furstenberg

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] In the forest, 'neath the trees so tall,Where leaves and needles softly fall,Acorns scatter 'cross the bed belowAs shadows dance in light's warm glow. Whispers rustle in evening breeze,Darkness falls beneath the treesLike spires, still reeds in...

Black and White by Patricia Furstenberg

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] I come from darknessand into darkness I go,I leap through lightI am a flicker through the night. I carry twilighttwisted around faith,In my DNA inter-wined,I am but to flesh confined. You come from darkness,You leap through light,Let's...

None of it is Time by Patricia Furstenberg

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] knowledge came with the learningthat we were a patchwork of sorts,parts here, others outside us.wisdom came with the realizationthat time, immaterial as air,is made of more than one kind of essence.hard core holding us, like a riverhoming...

Knight Rode in an L Shape by Patricia Furstenberg

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] I paint with words for my future self,wonder what she'll choose, shea knight at heart who knows her roots unearthedby time, brave on a mighty horse. It’ll be me, afresh one day, at times caught between pages...

The Sea Speaking by Patricia Furstenberg

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] And they should knowthat a human being the sea iswith arms that pull and legsthat kick the sea isthe Gorgona ever moving, everin the depth of itself stirring, throughbirth, death, lucky rebirth and ever,ever yearning, yearning, yearningthrough...