[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Eluding signs, you can't wish a change, Ignored signs, Eludes only upon closing the eyes Promising glances, you can't force a miracle, Accusing glances, Promises only to a heart blinded Hopeful touches, you can't steal a life,...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Many miles travelled, have I, In search of a destination, Only to come to realise why it has such an elusive face, This liberty to afford Now after years of chasing why, Have I come to the...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] In times of trouble and doubt... Honesty leads to reflection... Reflection dawns understanding... Understanding births acceptance... Acceptance emanates peace... Peace cultivates knowing... Knowing brings resolve... Resolve builds strength... Strength springs wisdom... Wisdom arouses faith... Faith inspires miracles......
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] As I woke, Sunlight tugging at an eyelid, In a dream remembered, We spoke, You sang a song, unfamiliar, yet... birthing a pang of guilt, Heart-wrenching tunes about respect, Of freedoms, not being equal, Of living a...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Some nights are darker than others.. Especially those nights when a New Moon shines darkly in all absence, Some nights are darker than others.. Specifically when The Grid of Power decides to shine in all flagrance, Some...