Adamant by Phillip

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Remember when the sound of my love was a step or two Against the snakes of your heart Why I make sure you come out a better Eve Come I tell you a tale, holding a snake's...

Unconfirmed Alien Mind by Phillip

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] The only reality I know is of the unknown manifesting itself in my soul So all my denotes are foreign All my visualised imagination is chaos I stare at you with eyes that blink in lapse before...

The Rose of My Life Won’t Stay by Phillip

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] All the petals fooled me for a fast pedal getaway... Am I to be in the same place Change seems to be a old nemesis which even when we meet we shake hands looking away... Your presence...

Black Lives I See by Phillip

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] I've grown tired Memories of my failed attempts mock me I've tried, I'm not hired I pity my concerns to be a candidate for success What are the reasons? What are the excuses? Is it my dark...

Same scene, purple me by Phillip

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Hurt by the hands of opportunity Skeptical about ever holding hands again Betrayed to always think that the end scene might be different But it's always the same It could all change But the grey paint mixed...