Stories by Bad Poet

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Why would you tell that story?Littered with insinuations and societal indoctrinations?A story so clean, yet so ravaged with bias.From an outsider it sounds so true.But scratch deeper and realise it is framed.A collection of words bound by...

Once Upon a Time by Aaishah Mayet

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Once Upon a TimeIs not synonymousWith Happily Ever After Even as the praise singerReaches her crescendoWith the embers of the bonfire ring Once Upon a TimeIs a sari on a loomA bawling seasick child on a shipA...

Fingers in the Sand by Geoff_Da_Poet

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] And now we sit here,with our hands in our pocketsAnd our fingers searching forwhat could have been. Our faith has only gotten us this far. And so we keep dreaming,basically hoping for some miracle.The kind that makes...

Listen to her song by Sekou

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Read a book, go out on a date with your beautiful damselKiss her soft lips like the spring rain kisses a budding rose petalDraw joy from watching her smile, go on a horse ride for milesHave her...

Circles and Corners by Dshamilja Roshani

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] The pain in youSeems to long for directionTo ease the burden of nothingness.But please, don't follow meI am lost tooIn circular questionsOf unreal reality andIts really violent expressions,Spinning and swingingAround the beginning of my consciousness,Seeking to sneak...