[tabby title="Poet Bio"] I died once. My wings fell offAs I was carried further and further down. My light extinguishedAs I slowly became a part of the ground. Withering away until I was no moreWith only one particle left,That particle...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] For a roof over our headsAnd a blanket for our nightmaresPavements for our pillowsFrom refuse bins our daily dietDwellers of the streetSame in addressEqual in our ragsSiblings of necessityStill we strive between usFor a morsel of senkgwacrumbled...
Inner city Deep within Locked in Buildings surround Hooters honking People pushing pavements Walking Yawning Clothing giving away every occupation Road side shops selling hats and slops One way highway Carbon emissions on a Durban day mission J- walking...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Some nights are darker than others.. Especially those nights when a New Moon shines darkly in all absence, Some nights are darker than others.. Specifically when The Grid of Power decides to shine in all flagrance, Some...
[tabby title="Poet Bio"] The scale of life’s happenings has got me weighty Pregnant with fear I need to give birth Be in labor Lose some weight The fruit of my wombs future Is weighing me down Got me thinking I...