(poet, playwright, academic) Recapturing ourselves In the rubble of facades Every piece a victory We’ll have to create A monument of pieces Every calendar day a monument Every monument a victory Every loss a victory Triumphant sacrifice For we alone...

POET MUSE: Matete Motsoaledi (1980-2020)

(Poet, photographer, musician) Ke iphapantšha le thlagoEke ga ke bone letago la gagoPelo yona e lebala mošitoGe fela nka go bea leihloKe telela poifoKa ba mogale ke se na marumoKe a fišegelwaKe leka go kgotlelelaKe ile ke a go fihlelaEfela...

Poet Muse: Angifi Dladla (1950-2020)

(Poet, playwright and creative writing teacher) “You flew away,never bothered.I went my way,never botheredonce we were one.” PHRRR ((Dladla, A. (2020). PHRRR Poem by Angifi Proctor Dladla - Poem Hunter. PoemHunter.com. Retrieved 7 November 2020, from https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/phrrr/.)) courtesy of Facebook Poet, playwright and teacher...

Poet Muse: Myesha Jenkins (1948-2020)

(Poet, Jazz aficionado, mentor, friend) Tomorrow begins with the end of todayevery piece eaten and digestedmoments lingering on my tongue. It begins when I am satiated with nowready to give up the tediumthat hides me from living. It begins when...

POET MUSE: Sandile Dikeni(1966-2019)

( poet, activist, journalist ) My country is for peace so says the veld where reptiles caress its surface with elegant motions glittering in their pride My country is for joy so talk the mountains with baboons hopping from boulder...