Three Wishes by Mteteleli Ceza

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] I plant seeds in minds to bear fruits, At times I harvest harboured feelings with weedy roots. It is said a thorn is a twig which resisted to produce fruit, The overly informed fool not wanting to...

Unless the Seed by Nosisa Ngwata

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Unless the seed was buried, It was lifeless Unless the seed was planted, It was dead The seed did'nt want to be buried, The ground was cold and lonely But beneath the hard ground, The seed became...

Bones in Boxes by Jean Wallace McKeown

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Catholic children learn early - church altars hold relics; shrivelled saints’ bones in boxes, fingers, jaws, toes. When I was a child I believed tight within statues were bodies, bones and flesh rotting, stone figures reclined over...

A Poem A Day writing prompt 28 Sept 2015

this week's writing prompt: "and he said: you pretty full of yourself ain’t chu" from Poem For A Lady Whose Voice I Like by Nikki Giovanni. 1 rule: SUBMIT YOUR BEST WORK use the form below to submit or click here...

Smile by Charl Landsberg

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] I'm so rarely happy, that once in a while, I find myself surprised, to catch myself a smile. It flutters in and out, so quick you'd never know, that joy had ever found a home, in a...