My Money Story by KG

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] If I could kill life and turn a new leave. Prepare the world for my rebirth. Lead a life that manipulates death. Work out my future like math. Multiplying and dividing my future fortune Subtracting all my...

Temptation by Lebogang Mashigo

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] He's such a sexual fetish His yellowish glowing soft skin provokes a strong emotion A dark road never to be taken Beautiful, inviting, yet so dangerous A forbidden road of lust, lies and deceit So seductive with...

Philosophy by Nkululeko Zondi

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] it triggers me on it makes me flow it gives me juice it challenges my worldviews it has become my better half it provokes my inquisitive mind every sphere of my life is philosophically critiqued I love...

A Poem A Day writing prompt 10 Nov 2014

this week's writing prompt: "I have five things to say, five fingers to give into your grace." from Five Things by Rumi's, The Book of Love Poems of Ecstasy and Longing 1 rule: SUBMIT YOUR BEST WORK use the form below...

Where I Live by Fasaha Mshairi

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Where I live… Sadness is just a walk away. It overcomes you every time you walk its way, But that’s not the only thing that resides there.. There's Anger, Solemn and Cold. They overcome you every time...