A Poem A Day writing prompt 3 Nov 2014

this week's writing prompt: state of emergency 1 rule: SUBMIT YOUR BEST WORK use the form below to submit or click here [wufoo username="ndlovukazi" formhash="rb3hawc0e0uoo0" autoresize="true" height="1024" header="show" ssl="true"] For more info about A Poem A Day, click here.

When Words Leave Your Mouth by Fasaha Mshairi

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] When words leave your mouth Send them away with nothing but truth. When words have grown maturely into sentences, Stanzas, Prose, Poems, Love songs And have packed for their journey to ears and all sorts of minds,...

The Opaque Room by Nimar

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] You don’t know what dark is You haven’t slept in it; Awakened to it; Bathed in it; Cried tears with it (alone) No, darkness has never been close to you It’s a black light that keeps shining...

South Africa Pty Ltd by Thabang Ngoma

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Founded by the stranded At the tip of a continent The various tribes merged Their diversity emerged A land dash A cultural clash They sat in the bush To drink from the calabash Their migration halted By...

A Poem A Day writing prompt 27 Oct 2014

this week's writing prompt: today in history find something significant that happened on this day in history and write a poem about it. 1 rule: SUBMIT YOUR BEST WORK use the form below to submit or click here For more...