Because.. The Internet by Mteteleli Ceza

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Have you not heard? Those diligent to be intelligent will find better use for the internet. Have they not told you? For each day passes with clusters from different classes to bewitch your sentiments, Feelings betrayed, thoughts...

A Poem A Day writing prompt 8 June 2015

this week's writing prompt: words that matter... 1 rule: SUBMIT YOUR BEST WORK use the form below to submit or click here For more info about A Poem A Day, click here.

Words Are Beautiful by Hailu Mokhosi

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] Thoughts have a hold on your head like dreadlocks and so I write. And so I write continuously like how waves go on and on. I write in order to make sense of existence. There is something...

A Poem A Day writing prompt 1 June 2015

this week's writing prompt: Because I always feel like running Not away, because there is no such place The opening lines from Gil Scott-Heron's Running from his last album, I'm New Here. 1 rule: SUBMIT YOUR BEST WORK use the...

Number by Tulile Siguca

[tabby title="Poet Bio"] 200 is just the number Afrikan seeds who were plucked from home before having a chance to grow In Afrika 67 is just the number of slain souls who never new at the mall death would call...