Accept my invitation by Ephraim Zuva

Should I had eavesdropped to the dictum, ‘Keep your friends close and Your enemies even closer’ I would have known You were busy conspiring and plotting Iniquity against me Like the mischievous leprechaun You took a undertake to ambush me...

I Stand Tall by M Rantoa

The pictures on the wall look bleak as I squint My mouth dries up with fondness for what’s good My heart is sore from crying day and night I can’t begin contemplating loss of a treasure so lovely In you...

featured poem: I heard fame and fashion calling your name by Neo Molefe (shameeyaa)

I heard fame and fashion calling your name. I saw your shadow following this command. Heard you say, mama, is this the result of my lucky stars!” I saw your picture in a tabloid today, I heard men ululating at...

Resonate applaud but hold soon dear by Darshana Nagar

Resonate applaud but hold soon dear, Life, love and hatred filled a tear. Soon but threw hard against realities claw, Silently wounded but lay upon the floor. Could not whimper nor even breathe, From this pain and hate soon to...

African Brother by Morula Wa Kutukgolo

Flowing like poetry You move me, with untold stories Of your past and present You are poetry Feeding slowly my soul with words Poetic words my heart skips a beat to, Skips an african beat to, whenever you pass by....